fashion · food · makeup · teaching

Shit just got real!

Hello people! Welcome to MyEpicureanEcstasy. A zomato reviewer for quite a long time, I started my page on Instagram with the same name a year back so as to collect my pictures and reviews about various places at one place. During this journey, I met a lot of lovely people and fellow bloggers who supported me and guided me to start writing a blog. So here I am!!

Here you will find the best food to eat out there. Be it a roadside vendor or a five-star, I’ll take you everywhere. Not just that. Cause I am passionate about fashion and make-up, do look out for updates about my fashion style, product reviews, my experiences as a school teacher et al.

Your support will be appreciated and i’m welcome to critiques and opinions!

So start sharing my blog cause shit just got real, my friends!