food · Recipe

Veggie Popsicles

Veggie Popsicles 😍 Easy to make, no compromise on taste👌🏻❤️ Try the recipe for yourself, and tell me what’s your take!! 💕


Potatoes- 3

Onion- 1 (chopped)

Carrot- 1 (chopped)

Capsicum- 1 (chopped)

Corns- 1/2 cup (boiled)

Ginger-garlic paste- 1 tsp

Salt- To taste

Red Chilly Powder- 2 tsp

Garam Masala- 2 tsp

Chaat Masala- 2 tsp

Amchur Powder- 1 1/2 tsp

Coriander- 2 tsp

For the Cornflour batter:

Maida- 3 tbsp

Cornflour- 3 tbsp

Black pepper powder- 1/2 tsp

Water- 1/2 cup

Oil- For deep frying


Grate potatoes. Add onion, carrot, capsicum, boiled corns, ginger-garlic paste, salt, red chilly powder, garam masala, chaat masala, amchur powder and coriander. Mix them together. Grease your palms with oil. Roll out little balls from the mixture.

Cornflour batter: Mix cornflour, maida and black pepper. Add water to form a paste.

Dip the prepared balls in the batter. Coat them with breadcrumbs. Insert ice cream sticks into it to make a popsicle and fry them on medium flame till golden brown. Serve with hot chai and enjoy😍



Easy ‘Shahi Tukda’ recipe

Shahi Tukda. There’s royalty in the name itself! This is one Indian dessert that makes me super nostalgic. This recipe is loved by everyone in my household. Cooked by my grandmother in my childhood and then by mother, the taste remains as exquisite as ever.


So, here goes the easiest recipe for this scrumptious beauty which takes just 10 minutes to cook!


White Bread- 5

Fresh beaten cream (malai)- 1/2 cup

Sugar- 4 tbsp

Oil- To fry

Chopped almonds and cardamon- To garnish


Cut bread pieces into little cubes and fry them till they are golden brown. In another pan, add fresh beaten cream (malai) and sugar. Melt them together on low heat. Add the bread croutons into the pan and mix them well till they are evenly coated. Garnish with chopped almonds and cardamon. Serve hot. Enjoy😍






Imly restaurant, New Delhi has fostered waves since the day it opened its doors at Rajendra Place with their iconic ‘train’ to street food across India!

Owing to a different, pure veg menu they have soon become Delhi’s best pure veg restaurant with their chains in Rajouri Garden, Noida and many more coming soon!

As you all know, there’s an atmosphere of festivities all around! So to mark the revelry and merriment, Imly, Rajouri Garden, organised a Dandiya Night where they launched “Imly Underground!”

It was truly a night to remember! With people playing dandiya on Punjabi songs, to a mehendi wala, to the decor, to the food- it was a gala night full of mirth.

I would like to wish the very best of luck to Imly for their new endeavours and hope they accomplish many more achievements!

Baking · Cakes · food

Cause baking is surreal!

IMG_6956Heyo! So I’m back with my second blog and I wanted to dedicate it to my love for baking. A hardcore foodie that i am, I also take pleasure in baking and cooking!

Baking to me is surreal and just divine! This time, I decided to bake a Marble Cake. Now, i didn’t want it to be just black and white so i decided to add few colours to make it more appealing! Here goes the list of ingredients and step-by-step recipe!


2 cups maida

2 eggs

1.5 cups powdered sugar

2 tsp baking powder

1.5 cup butter (softened)

1 cup milk

1 tsp vanilla essence

A pinch of salt

1 tbsp cocoa powder

2 drops each of orange and yellow food colouring

GANACHE (optional):

250 ml cream

Half cup chocochips

1tbsp dark chocolate


1. Seive maida, sugar, salt and baking powder and keep it aside

Baking to me is surreal and1 tbsp cocoa p


1. Seive maida, sugar, salt and baking powder and keep it aside.

2. Beat butter at medium speed until it becomes soft.


3. Add eggs one by one and beat until smooth.


4. Add milk and beat again.

5. Now add the dry ingredients and fold gently.

IMG_6915 This is what your batter will look like


6. Now divide this batter into 4 ( or as many colours as you want your cake to be). Pour 2 drops of orange food clouring in one part, 2 drops of yellow food colouring in second part, 1tbsp cocoa powder in the third and the fourth part, I kept as it is. You can use any colour you like.


7. Grease a 7 inch cake tin and start pouring the batter.

8. Use a toothpick to form a marble effect. IMG_7093


9. Tap it once to burst any air bubbles. Preheat oven and bake for about 35 min at 180C.

This is what it’ll look like once it’s done.


To keep the cake super moist, heat half cup water in a pan and add 1 tsp of sugar in it. Let it come to a boil. Take the liquid off the heat, cool it down a bit and brush the liquid on the cake.

Now the icing is a completely optional step. I love ganache so decided to decorate my cake a little.

Just heat  the cream in a pan and add chocochips and dark chocolate in it. Keep stirring it continously for 2-3 minutes and your ganache is ready! IMG_6937

You can decorate the cake as you like. I used white chocochips and silver pearls and this was the final look: IMG_6950


Do try out this fun and  easy cake and let me know how it turned out!

Until next time, keep eating! ✌🏻


fashion · food · makeup · teaching

Shit just got real!

Hello people! Welcome to MyEpicureanEcstasy. A zomato reviewer for quite a long time, I started my page on Instagram with the same name a year back so as to collect my pictures and reviews about various places at one place. During this journey, I met a lot of lovely people and fellow bloggers who supported me and guided me to start writing a blog. So here I am!!

Here you will find the best food to eat out there. Be it a roadside vendor or a five-star, I’ll take you everywhere. Not just that. Cause I am passionate about fashion and make-up, do look out for updates about my fashion style, product reviews, my experiences as a school teacher et al.

Your support will be appreciated and i’m welcome to critiques and opinions!

So start sharing my blog cause shit just got real, my friends!