Baking · Cakes · food

Cause baking is surreal!

IMG_6956Heyo! So I’m back with my second blog and I wanted to dedicate it to my love for baking. A hardcore foodie that i am, I also take pleasure in baking and cooking!

Baking to me is surreal and just divine! This time, I decided to bake a Marble Cake. Now, i didn’t want it to be just black and white so i decided to add few colours to make it more appealing! Here goes the list of ingredients and step-by-step recipe!


2 cups maida

2 eggs

1.5 cups powdered sugar

2 tsp baking powder

1.5 cup butter (softened)

1 cup milk

1 tsp vanilla essence

A pinch of salt

1 tbsp cocoa powder

2 drops each of orange and yellow food colouring

GANACHE (optional):

250 ml cream

Half cup chocochips

1tbsp dark chocolate


1. Seive maida, sugar, salt and baking powder and keep it aside

Baking to me is surreal and1 tbsp cocoa p


1. Seive maida, sugar, salt and baking powder and keep it aside.

2. Beat butter at medium speed until it becomes soft.


3. Add eggs one by one and beat until smooth.


4. Add milk and beat again.

5. Now add the dry ingredients and fold gently.

IMG_6915 This is what your batter will look like


6. Now divide this batter into 4 ( or as many colours as you want your cake to be). Pour 2 drops of orange food clouring in one part, 2 drops of yellow food colouring in second part, 1tbsp cocoa powder in the third and the fourth part, I kept as it is. You can use any colour you like.


7. Grease a 7 inch cake tin and start pouring the batter.

8. Use a toothpick to form a marble effect. IMG_7093


9. Tap it once to burst any air bubbles. Preheat oven and bake for about 35 min at 180C.

This is what it’ll look like once it’s done.


To keep the cake super moist, heat half cup water in a pan and add 1 tsp of sugar in it. Let it come to a boil. Take the liquid off the heat, cool it down a bit and brush the liquid on the cake.

Now the icing is a completely optional step. I love ganache so decided to decorate my cake a little.

Just heat  the cream in a pan and add chocochips and dark chocolate in it. Keep stirring it continously for 2-3 minutes and your ganache is ready! IMG_6937

You can decorate the cake as you like. I used white chocochips and silver pearls and this was the final look: IMG_6950


Do try out this fun and  easy cake and let me know how it turned out!

Until next time, keep eating! ✌🏻